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The right sleep disorder treatment depends on the cause. Here you will find sleep disorder treatment information and tips for ensuring a good night's rest.
Many cities also have sleep centers and clinics (sometimes connected to a hospital) that offer assessments, testing, and treatment. An Internet search will help?...
Are you struggling with a sleep problem? It may be a sleep disorder. Learn how to recognize and cure your problem.
Sleep disorders are among the most common clinical problems encountered in ... help evaluate patients for medical (including psychiatric) causes of insomnia.
Sep 10, 2012 - Sleep disorders/disturbances can cause your sleep to be disturbed. Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the inability to go back?...
Lifestyle and behavioral treatments for sleep disorders might include the following: Relaxation training; Cognitive therapy; Stimulus control (SC); Sleep restriction?...
Basics. Sleep disorders can manifest as an inability to sleep (insomnia), daytime sleepiness, abnormal movements or behavior during sleep, or an inability to?...
Dec 18, 2007 - Sleep specialists can help identify the root cause of many sleep problems and recommend treatments that can improve sleep, health, and?...
In some cases, doctors will prescribe medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders. Medications should be used in combination with good sleep practices?...
Sleep disorders can be divided into those producing insomnia, those causing daytime sleepiness, and those disrupting sleep. Transient insomnia is extremely?...