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The 3rd time you are arrested and convicted for a DUI in Pennsylvania you will receive 10 days -2 years in prison and a fine between $500- $5,000 if your BAC was between .08-.99. You will also receive a 12 month drivers license suspension.
In 2003, Pennsylvania took a major leap toward eradicating drunk driving through the passing of Act 24. In a nutshell, Act 24 made it easier for law enforcement?...
Mandatory License Suspension for ARD is as follows: ? No suspension if BAC is under .10% and offender is not a minor. ? A suspension of 30 days if BAC .10%?...
3803. Grading. 3804. Penalties. 3805. Ignition interlock. 3806. Prior offenses. ..... Drunk Driving - Pennsylvania State Organization and the Pennsylvania DUI?...
Learn the Pennsylvania drunk driving laws including the legal limit, dram shop statute, and penalties for furnishing alcohol to a minor.
Sep 6, 2014 - He didn't need to be a legal expert to benefit from a little-known state court ruling that has rendered Pennsylvania's toughened 2003 DUI laws?...
Pennsylvania DUI Laws: Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits and Implied ConsentPer Se BAC Limit0.08 PercentZero Tolerance (Underage) BAC?...
Aug 12, 2013 - In 2004, Pennsylvania completely revamped its DUI laws, at the same time that it lowered the BAC (blood alcohol content) threshold to .08.
Page provideds information about laws on DUI in Pennsylvania and the penalties for conviction.
Impaired Driving | Traffic Safety Information Center | Just Drive PA, PennDOT's Safe Driving Initiative. ... For more information, check out Pennsylvania's DUI Law.